Endings of all Factions, Regions, and Companions are list in this page.


Bastard's Wound Endings




Bastard's Wound

Your watchful eye gives Reef-Talon the confidence (and the authority, however remote) she needs to lead the Wound. Though she never finds a permanent solution to the problem with the water, she helps the others keep up with the community's demands.

Under the Beastwoman's constant vigilance, the Bastard's Wound thrives.

Appoint yourself the governor and Reef-Talon your deputy.
Barik Though freed of his twisted shell of bronze and iron, Barik seems little less morose. He moves forward from the Edict of Storms only haltingly, attention half turned ahead towards an uncertain future and half behind at the choices that brought him here. The northerner remains dedicated to the oaths he has sworn you, drilling your forces and commanding them on the field. If he isn't exactly loved by your troops, he at least holds their respect. t In the rare times of calm, he takes leaves of absence ' from your service, scouring the Blade Grave for the fallen sons and daughters of the Northern Empire and laying them to proper rest. 'Though the somber task seems one beyond the meager lifespan allotted a soldier, Barik returns from each of these excursions standing just a bit more upright. Remove Barik's armor


Regions' Endings




Northern Empire Casting the Edict of Storms wreaks havoc on the northern capital. The winds whip in a sudden frenzy and toss unsuspecting citizens through the air, dashing them back down in the rubble of leveled buildings. Temporary settlements take in refugees fleeing the devastation from the now uninhabitable city. Survivors all ask the same question - why did the Overlord allow this to happen? Cast the Edict of Storms on Kyros' Empire
Your Edict of Nightfall shrouds the northern capital in unending darkness. While some remain in their homes and beg Kyros for salvation, those less hopeful make for brighter parts of the Empire, seeking the warmth of the sun and wondering how it was that the Overlord could not protect them. Cast the Edict of Nightfall on Kyros' Empire
Your Edict of Fire ignites an unstoppable conflagration in the northern capital, reducing buildings to cinders and sending walls of fire through populated streets. Before anyone knew what was happening, the flames had already burned out of control. All who suffer cry out in agony and confusion that Kyros would allow such a fate to befall the city. Cast the Edict of Fire on Kyros' Empire
Your Edict of Stone shakes the ground under the northern capital - a quake that builds in such ferocity that massive sinkholes open under the bustling city, swallowing whole districts. As citizens flee in terror, mages attempt to help but find their arcane powers dampened to the point of uselessness. Even as they cleave to falling structures or run from widening fissures, all wonder why Kyros offers no deliverance. Cast the Edict of Stone on Kyros' Empire
By casting the Edict of Malediction on the northern capital, you consign the Overlord's city to an invisible plague of misfortune and calamity. The foundations of once-proud buildings fracture under some unseen pressure, and whole districts empty as the city's infrastructure crumbles. Laborers brought in to repair the damage find their work undone hours or even minutes later. Citizens leave the city a ghost town, and whisper among themselves how Kyros could allow such a curse to infect their homeland. Cast the Edict of Malediction on Kyros' Empire
Stone Sea The Edict of Stone continues to ravage the Stone Sea, sapping the land of arcane power and shifting the terrain at increasingly treacherous angles. Any evidence of the former Realm of Azure vanishes over time, until all that survives is a memory. Do not end the Edict of Stone
With the Edict of Stone dispelled, the earth settles around the Stone Sea - ushering a new age of verdant growth and prosperity. The country may never resemble the glorious Realm of Azure, but with new life, many new things become possible. End the Edict of Stone, do not destroy the land.
With the Edict of Stone dispelled, the earth around the Stone Sea finally settles, leading everyone to believe the Realm of Azure will return its former glory. But the ritual used to end the Edict blighted the land to such a degree that nothing will grow, no matter how hard anyone tries. With determination, some are able to start small seedings, but nothing ever comes of it. Kill Cairn and destroy the lands.
Blade Grave The Edict of Storms continues to rage across the war-torn remains of the Blade Grave. Widely treated as an uninhabitable wasteland, the former citizens of Stalwart make for any territory that will have them. They wander the Tiers as refugees, their pride and dignity worn down by the same erosion that claimed their homeland. Do not end the Edict of Storms
Though it takes time to recover from the devastation of the Edict of Storms, the Blade Grave begins its slow march toward healing. The Realm of Stalwart may never resemble its former glory, but the land is not so blasted that something new and better can't be built atop the bones of the past. The Regent bloodline has ended. With it, new traditions and legacies spring to life. End the Edict of Storms
Burning Library Your travels never took you to the Burning Library and this leaves the Edict of Fire undisturbed, consigning the Vellum Citadel to a future engulfed by perpetual flame. With their areane knowledge beyond reach, the School of Ink and Quill falls into sleep decline, your name becoming a curse in their embittered ranks. Do not end the Edict of Fire.
Lethian's Crossing By leaving Lethian's Crossing under Disfavored command, you ensured the city's cooperation and productivity during the remainder of the conquest. The crafting of superior weapons comes to be the touchstone by which Lethian's Crossing is remembered. After the war, people speak of it as the Forge-Days, when the city was a lump of unformed metal waiting to be shaped. Let Disfavored control Lethian's Crossing.
By returning the Magebane helm to Lethian;s Crossing, you ensured the Bane would not be able to get into the city. For the time being, the threat of a Bane incursion is dispelled. The settlers are grateful to go about their lives unburdened by this peril, though knowing how close they came to annihilation haunts them. They hope that the security you provided endures. Return the Magebane Helm.
Vendrien's Well By enacting an Edict on Vendrien's Well, you announced your power to the world and showed Kyros' forces what you were capable of. When you defeated their leader and scattered the army before you, it sent the massage to Kyros - a new Archon is born. While the Edict dissipated, its effect will always be felt as the first threat to Kyros' rule. Cast a Edict


Factions' Endings





Stonestalker Tribe By letting the Edict of Stone persist, you allow the Stonestalkers to develop a nation of their own, where Beastmen are free to grow their culture away from human habitation. The tribe expands by welcoming the strong and expelling the weak, grooming their ranks for a prosperous tomorrow. The Stonestalkers grow in power, using the magic-infused crystals to fuel their spells.
  • Do not end the Edict of Stone
  • Do not wipe out Stonestalkers
  • Do not destroy the land 
With the Edict of Stone dispelled, you ensure that humans will once again populate the former Realm of Azure. The Stonestalker tribe is gradually pushed out of their new territory, and those who don't resist are enslaved, put to work rebuilding new human settlements.
  • End the Edict of Stone
  • Do not wipe out Stonestalkers
  • Do not destroy the land 
As the strongest and oldest of their kind, the death of the Stonestalkers is a blow to Beastmen culture. Their demise also brings centuries of oral traditions to an abrupt end. The local tribes never recover from the terrible loss.  
Scarlet Chorus The Scarlet Chorus may have been mighty in numbers, but that didn't stop you from thoroughly scattering them - cutting off the serpent's head and sending each of the gangs howling back to the chaos they sowed. How the remnants of the Horde occupy themselves without a war to fight becomes a topic for nightmares.
  • Defeat the Scarlet Chours
Disfavored It was thought the Disfavored would never rally under another General, but by enlisting Graven Ashe to your cause, you managed the next best thing - controlling the Archon to harness the strength of the Northern Empire. You recorganize their old-fashioned regiments with a new chain of command, placing yourself at its highest authority. The legion's victories spread beyond count and your soldiers train hard, preparing for the retaliation to come.
  • Enlisting Graven Ashe to your cause

With Cairn's essence preserved and the lands of Azure permanently blighted, the Earthshakers return to the Disfavored.

While their reputations isn't what it used to be, their success in dealing such a decisive blow to the Scarlet Chorus by removing their main source of foof has carned back the respect of the legion. The Earthshakers are accepted back into the ranks of Disfavored, once again becoming part of the army that helped subdue the Tiers.

  • Side with Disfavored and destroy the land of Azure.

With the Unbroken all but destroyed, the former citizens of Stalwart threaten to slide into lawlessness. Kyros' forces stationed at Sentinel Stand manage to quell the worst of the uprisings, but peace under the nation's new leadership is resisted at every turn.

  • Destroy the unbroken.


Companions' Endings





Barik Not Content to enjoy the fruit of vicotry, Barik positions him among the rank and lie of your supporters, organizing troops around their strengths and making sure each pulls their weight. His armor clings to him as doggedly as ever, though he wears it with a straighter back and a lighter step than he did before. A team of loyal camp followers polish his plates to a respectable sheen each morning, and the smell that decorate his breastplate, and adoring supporters drape garlands of followers about pauldrons. Life is good for the towering soldier. Barik's Loyalty 3 or higher
Separated from his legion and lacking a sense of direction in your company, Barik parts ways from you and returns to the Blade Grave. He wanders the dunes of scrap and grit as if he left something unfinished. Debris clings to his armor causing him to double in size, making settlers in the surrounding countryside fear the walking battlefield. In time, Barik vanishes from the public eye - whether moving on or letting himself become one with the Blade Grave, you never learn. Barik's Loyalty 2 or lower, Fear 3 or higher
Barik remains in your service, though he avoids any trappings of command. He focuses on training any recruits who pledge themselves to your cause - breaking them of weakness and molding what remains into living weapons. He makes small talk with no one, and spends his quiet time tending to his armor - pitting himself against the incursion of rust and bending the plates into a more logical formation. The work never ends. Barik's Loyalty 2 or lower, Fear 2 or lower
At first, the Voices of Barik leads the Scarlet Chorus with hesitation and unease. He grows into the role - eventually assembling the gangs into a more defined hierarchy. No one in the bewildered horde challenges his orders, and in time they learn to organize not as a rabble of gangs, but as a proper army. Sacrifice Barik to the Voices of Nerat, Barik's Loyalty 4 or higher
You sacrificed Barik's mind to the Voices of Nerat, feeding another son of the North to the Archon's bottomless intellect. There is nothing left of your armored companion but a rusting shell of iron and an echo of detached awareness lost screaming in the forgotten void. Sacrifice Barik to the Voices of Nerat, Barik's Loyalty 3 or lower
Disgusted by your support for the Scarlet Chorus, Barik excused himself from your company and kept himself at a distance from your war. The most you ever hear of him are the reports of panicked gangs who speak of a statue of living iron that hunted them across battlefields. To the best of your knowledge, he hunts to this day. Choose to ally with the Scarlet Chorus in Act 1, do not convince Barik to join again later
You and Barik reconciled through an acceptance of mutual distrust. The armored warrior took part in your war, questioning your leadership at every turn as if amused by your perceived missteps. Barik remains at your side, but you doubt it will be long before he seeks out a new frontier. Choose to ally with the Scarlet Chorus in Act 1, convince Barik to join again later
The soldiers who never allied themselves to your cause find their own way in the aftermath of the war in the Tiers. You hear rumors of an armored giant who leads battalions of ironclad dissidents, but somehow he always evades your grasp. Never recruit Barik
The death of Graven Ashe left Barik a shadow of his former self. He follows you for a time, as much out of habit as reflex. All agree that there is nothing of him left under the iron shell. He departs your company without a word, assuming a position at a crossroads where he allows himself to rust as solid as any statue. Kill Graven Ashe, do not help Barik overcome his depression
You helped Barik come to terms with the death of the Great General. Of all the Northerners who survived the war, he took the loss of the Archon the hardest. After a period of deep mourning, he returns to your service and gratefully continues the work you started together. The soldiers who recognize him remember the legion and Graven Ashe's protection as they would a dream. Kill Graven Ashe, help Barik overcome his depression
With Barik's death, the North lost a son of pride and renown. His family receives reparations in the form of rings, but in a break with tradition, none of his gear makes the journey home. You bury him in Stalwart wearing his armor, forever as you remember him. Barik dies
Verse Verse finds herself adrift in the relative peace that follows your conquest. She returns to the field and seeks out young women from rural communities, imparting her fighting skills to only the most passionate. Over the course of many apprentices, she follows the Voices of Nerat's example and forms a personal army - the Callous Sisterhood. Verse proves to be a strict teacher, and you hire her services often - confident that she'll take any assignment where there's blood to be spilled. Verse's Loyalty 3 or higher
No sooner do you declare victory over your enemies than Verse leaves your company, seeking allies whose sense of command better aligns with hers. You learn by word of mouth that she joined a mercenary band, where she rallies at the head of the vanguard - ever the first into the fray. The last word you receive from her is a dictated missive, where she strongly recommends that you stay out of her way. Verse's Loyalty 2 or lower, Fear 3 or higher
Nostalgic for her days with the Scarlet Chorus, Verse leaves your company with a cursory farewell. She wanders the Tiers in search of mercenary bands that can make use of her skills. Finding even the most hardened killers amateurish, Verse cuts her ties with society and hires herself out as a lone wolf assassin. Though she travels beyond all notice, you recognize her signature work in some of the more high-profile slayings across the Tiers and Northern Empire. Verse's Loyalty 2 or lower, Fear 2 or lower
The Voices of Verse upends the remaining Scarlet Chorus gang bosses, reconfiguring the leadership into a pattern that suits her philosophy of what the army needed to become. Through her strength and determination, the army grows until its numbers stretch across the horizon. Sacrifice Verse to the Voices of Nerat, Verse's Loyalty 4 or higher
You sacrificed Verse to the Voices of Nerat, who absorbed her conscious mind with parasitic enthusiasm. Her drive and ambition, her accomplishments and regrets, vanished forever into the Archon's insatiable flames. Sacrifice Verse to the Voices of Nerat, Verse's Loyalty 3 or lower
Verse fled your company in panicked haste and never returns, leaving you a companion short when you need her the most. Though you never settle your disagreements, you hear tell of her gangs and their skillful raids on the Tiers. You wish her well, hopeful that your paths will not cross under less favorable circumstances. Choose to ally with the Disfavored in Act 1, allow Verse to escape
You settled your disagreements with Verse, resolving to conduct the war as allies if not friends. She observed your progress with as much curiosity as criticism, and fought the civil war to its bitter end. Her ambitions diverge from yours, and it is not long after your victory in the Tiers that she departs to find the next worthy gang of miscreants. Verse leaves the party but convinced to rejoin
One of the Scarlet Chorus gang bosses who managed to evade the conflict rises up, rallying together a group of miscreant soldiers. Flying no banners and leaving no one alive to remember their name, her gang carves a bloody path through the realms, seemingly beyond the reach of any authority. Never recruit Verse
You allowed Verse to die at the hands of Graven Ashe. Everything she ever was or desired out of life was reduced to a crimson smear on the Archon's hammer. Let Graven Ashe kill Verse
With the death of Verse, the Scarlet Chorus lost a proficient killer and spy. In accordance with her wishes, no one offers funerary rites or words of remembrance. No marker tells of her passing. In time, the stories of her pursuits and accomplishments become legend, though only a meager handful remember her in life. Verse dies
Lantry Lantry keeps a close watch over you, scribbling his account of your deeds and accomplishments. In his tireless quest to fill the Chronicle with history and knowledge, he follows you even into his twilight years and together you learn much about the world. You pretend not to notice Lantry's waning strength, though you find yourself pausing mid-sentence to let his writing catch up. He recognizes your generous ruse, and appreciates in silence. High Loyalty
Eb  Eb remains in your company, where she seeks out promising recruits among your supporters. After recognizing some obvious talentm she takes on a tam of apprentices in a new school of would-be Tidecasters. Though she often jokes that the school is bound to fail with her at the helm, her students think otherwise - as do the many dozens of hopefuls who come begging for her tutelage. High Loyalty
Kills-in-Shadow  With no desire to remain in the company of humans, Kills-in-Shadow return to the wilderness and seeks out her own kind. She discovers a hagged community of Beastmen who abandoned the Realms of Haven and Azure, only to be enslaved by Kyros' forces. Out of this rabble of defectors she forges a tribe, their nomadic ways respecting no established border or law. They raid villages and caravans when possible, glutting on the spoils and boasting of their severed ties with the human world. Though a large bounty follows in the tribe's wake, no human can survive the hunt for its leader. Low Loyalty
Sirin  Sirin grows quiet over time - speaking little and foregoing her songs as she distances herself from your military. One day, she simply walks out of camp and makes for the wilderness of the Tiers. Rumors reach your ear that Sirin has occupied an abandoned mountainside temple, her vow of silence drawing a small group of respectful followers. You leave her in peace. Low Loyalty/ High fear (?)


Archon's Endings




Cairn Cairn, the Archon of Stone, remains hovering between life and death among the towers of the Stone Sea. Quakes persist across the ruins of Azure, and the former bread basket of the Tiers never returns to its former glory. Do not deal with Cairn in the Stone Sea.
When you preserved Cairn's essence, you ensured that his teachings would benefit the Earthshakers long after the Archon's demise. Rather than being mourned or maligned in death, Cairn is celebrated for his contribution across every branch of arcane research. Preserve Cairn's essence in the Stone Sea.
The memory of Cairn as a great force of destruction remains as a monument of inert rock. Most agree that the world is better off without the Archon of Stone as the people of Azure begin to slowly reclaim the land that was once torn asunder by his power. Kill Cairn in the Stone Sea.
Voices of Nerat Killing the Voices of Nerat spreads the joy of bloody vengeance across the continent. Celebratied as the death of history's greatest parasite, the occasion is marked by all who suffered under the oppression of the Scarlet Chorus. Even in victory, one thought nags you. Though you witnessed his death, you can't help but wonder if the Voices of Nerat is done with you. Kill the Voices of Nerat.
Graven Ashe Graven Ashe continues to lead the Disfavored, this time bowing to your superior command. At first the old General balks at your instructions, but in time he grows to trust your judgment without question. Working together, you bring much-needed order to the lawless Tiers. Convince Graven Ashe to join your course.
Bleden Mark The death of Bleden Mark deprived the world of a most capable murderer. One less bedtime story to scare children is no significant loss, though you can't help but glance at the dark corners of every room and feel as if something is watching you. Bleden Mark will always cast a long shadow on your life. Kill Bleden Mark.
Tunon the Adjudicator Tunon the Adjudicator continues to dispense justice from his seat in the Bastard City. He follows the laws you craft to the letter, advising on any of the meticulous changes you lack the time or the patience to draft. Without his aid, the task of keeping order in the Tiers would be nigh impossible. Convince Tunon to join your course.





While the Disfavored and Scarlet Chorus argued, unable to decide on a plan of attack, thereby delaying their assault on the citadel, Kyros' Day of Swords came to an end. When the last of the sunlight fell behind the mountains, the weight of the Overlord's Edict descended upon all who remained in Vendrien's Well. As a price for failing to satisfy Kyros' demands, everyone in the valley was struck down.When the remnants of the Tiers finally succumbed, this moment was spoken of as the point when all resistance to Kyros ceased. Fail to complete Act 1 before the deadline
You fulfilled Kyros' decree and all the Tiers is now ruled by a single Archon. Your former rivals have either submitted to you or perished, bringing the civil war to a close. Complete the game
Under your guidance, those who resisted the conquest and sowed discontent are vanquished, their rebellion brought to a decisive end. Any lingering question of who is true ruler the Tiers is answeres by your impact on the reconstructed nation. Defeat the rebels.



Ending Requirement
Amelia returns to Graven Ashe's fort at Iron Hearth with her baby - the former heir of Stalwart. Her presence brings unease to the Disfavored, who don't know what to make of a circumstantial traitor. How she navigates the future you imposed on Terratus will be her decision. Disinheriting Amelia's baby to end the Edict.

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